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School Board Members - 1958

1958-School Board Members

1958-School Board Wives

1963-School Board Members

Front: Ken Hadenfeldt, Ed Mosbo, Gil Bentley, Bruce McKibben,

Supt. Carlos Bryan. Back: Clifford Green, Quentin Peterson, Ed Breckenfelder



From the Thursday, August 29, 2013, issue of the Sioux Rapids Bulletin Press in the Spencer Daily Reporter:

Fifty-five years ago, the Rembrandt school board was ready to make decisions about their students that would propel them into the next century. Their wives had their picture taken separately. See SchoolBoardWives-1958.htm.

There are interesting statistics comparing the Alumni Band to those pictures.
Every adult in the school board picture has "kids" who have returned and/or participated in the annual Rembrandt reunions. Six of eight had kids in the Centennial Pageant/Alumni Band in 2001. Six "kids" in this year's alumni band have parents in those pictures, and another's dad was superintendent prior to that.