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2014 - Rembrandt Alumni Band - Rod Shedenhelm, Director

Music 1900-1909

Music 1920-1929

Music 1930-1939

Music 1940-1949

Music 1950-1959

Music 1960-1969

Music 1970-1979

Alumni Concerts


The Rembrandt Alumni Band presented a one-hour concert before the annual Rembrandt Alumni Association Reunion on Saturday, July 19, 2014, at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Rembrandt.

The band members are, front: Cordy Peterson ’59, Reinbeck; Eloise Mosbo Obman ’60, Rembrandt; Betty Foval Hoskins ‘60, Harrisonburg, Virginia; Helene Ducas Viall '63, Des Moines; Bill Henley ’64, Kissimmee, Florida; Paul Mosbo ’58, Cortland, New York; and Rolf Mosbo '67, Spencer.
Back: Lavila Nelson, Sanborn; Jason Heeren, Aurelia; Megan Benz, Manson; Karl Knutson, Cedar Rapids; Keith Moe, Albert City; Rod Shedenhelm, Band Director, Sioux Rapids; Trish Moe, Albert City; Nikole Nuttall, Alta; Deb Peterson, Alta; and Sandy Halverson, Sioux City. .



This is the band’s 13th yearly concert since the 2001 Centennial. In addition to performing Sousa marches, including “Stars and Stripes Forever,” big band songs, and “Marches of the Armed Forces,” the band became a choir for three songs. This year a flute trio performed, and Rod Shedenhelm and Bill Henley performed a trumpet duet, “Flight of the Bumblebee.” It was incredible and received a standing ovation.

Plans are well underway for the 2015 Alumni Reunion to be held July 18, 2015 with the alumni band preparing for a return as well. Honored classes next year will be from 1955, 1965, and 1975.

Published in: The Spencer Daily Reporter/Sioux Rapids Bulletin Press, 7/24/14; Storm Lake Pilot Tribune, 7/24/14; and Storm Lake Times, 7/25/14.